Ingedis, Engineering and Architectural Consulting Ingedis Our Projects I+D+i Intranet Contact Ingedis, Engineering and Architectural Consulting
Ingedis, S.C. was stablised in 2006 joining a proffesional team  comming from engineering and architecture bussiness. Ingedis, S.C.  develops its bussiness both in Building and Civil Works and  Insfrastructure. Druing this working years, the firm has develop numeorus prjects  with cover two big fields:  Building not only in new developments  but also dealing with the asessing and strenthening field, and     Structures both for civil works (all kind of infrastructures) and  industrial field. Ingedis, S.C. works for Public and Private Owners, as well as big  contractors or Engineering and Architectural consultant offices. The liaisson of all Ingedis members with research centers or  Univertisites allow us to provide the State of the Art solution for your project in code application or design criteria to meet client’s  expectatives. In some cases. this link has evolved into a cooperation with such institutions for really special projects.