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From the very begining, Ingedis, S.C. partners have collaborated with  research centers such as Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la  Construcción (IETcc)Madrid Polithecnical University, la International  University Menendez Pelayo or Alfosno X and Madrid European  University. As a direct result of this cooperation, Ingedis, S.C. owns the theoretical  and practical background for developing I + D + i, which has been  incorporated during these years to the company’s work. Knowledges,  tools or methodologies learnt during these processes are employed in the dayly work. Some successfull I+D+i projects, developed by Ingedis, S.C. are: Computer applications for structural design. Safety and Structural Reliability Concrete structures shear beheviour Concrete damage and repair
Ingedis, Engineering and Architectural Consulting I+D+i